One question I often got on internet is that - How to increase productivity while working in computer?
For your convenience here are some tips that you can use to increase your productivity
Use keyboard shortcuts: People don't realize this, but this single tip can affect your productivity many fold. Using keyboard shortcuts can not only make your work efficient but also increase the speed of work. Let me give you example if you want to close apps you most probably click on cross button on each and every window but with keyboard shortcut Alt+F4 this task become way more easier.
Prioritize your work: Often you were assigned many work at once. Buy just randomly picking one work or doing all work simultaneously you not make your work way more difficult but also make yourself tedious and panic. Order your work in terms of time required, resources and necessity. This will reduce your burden and you feel more relaxed.
Take brakes while working: If you work for long period of time continuously then your productivity can drop considerably. That's why scientist recommends to take regular brakes . In mean time you can pursue your hobby or just simply meditate.
Choose efficient software: If you are working on a particular software on a daily basis, ensure that you are working with the right software. Make sure that it has all or almost all the tools you need. If while working you have to switch between multiple software, then probable you need to switch to other software.
Choose comfortable working environment: Make sure that the environment you are working in is comfortable and productivity oriented. Ensure that your desk is not cluttered and messy. Use proper ergonomic while working.
These are few tips and tricks you can use to boost your productivity